Team Success Story

I love the fact that there’s so much specialist knowledge within ifac.

Trevor Boland is an Accountant in our Sligo office, and offers a very fresh perspective on what makes ifac different.

I feel that I’m part of something really big

I think I’m one of our more unusual recruits in that I also run a suckler and beef farm. It gives me a very specific perspective on how a specialist accountancy practice can be such a powerful ally for the farming community.

Before joining ifac in December of 2020, I’d been working away with another practice in Sligo. I just knew that I needed a bigger challenge, and ifac seemed to fit the bill to perfection. You feel that you’re very much a part of something bigger when you join the ifac team, and it’s amazing to witness just how much specialist expertise there is within the broader group in areas like Farm Support, Financial Planning, Payroll and Tax.

It’s good to know that I can choose to specialise over the coming years, and that I’m working for a company that’s genuinely progressive in its outlook

The opportunity to specialise is very welcome

It’s good to know that I can choose to specialise over the coming years, and that I'm working for a company that’s genuinely progressive in its outlook. They are very quick to embrace the best of emerging technologies, and are full of new ideas and new ways of doing things.

My own view on the Agri sector is that we’re facing a future of more demands on our time and resources. This will inevitably lead to a situation where specialist advice from companies like ifac is absolute gold dust.

There’s so much in common between accountancy and farming

It has always been obvious to me that there’s a connection between accountancy and farming. So much of what we do on the farm is measured constantly with a view to improving future outcomes, and that’s a philosophy that ifac very much embrace in dealing with our farming clients. Typical of this is grassland management, which plays such a significant role in the farm operation. Our  entire farm is paddock grazed, with just four groups of stock grazing during the summer months. This system reduces the amount of time that has to be spent on the farm and means that jobs such as vaccinating, dosing, weighing and de-horning can all be done in one go. 

Weekly grass measuring walks are carried out and the data recorded on the PastureBase grass measuring tool. This enables me to grow and manage as much grass as possible during the year and avoid running short during slow growth periods. 

Another obvious link between my day job and my farming life is in the area of data analysis. All our farm data is analysed regularly throughout the year, with improvements made where possible. A key goal is to continuously improve on previous performance; this includes regularly reviewing what is working and what is not.  Thankfully, our farm generates a positive net margin, which means that all premium and scheme payments are retained in the farm business.  I like to think that being a farmer myself gives me a special bond with our farming clients, and that I can relate to them very much on their own terms.

Thomas Hayes
Success Story

My opportunities would have been limited if I'd stayed at a Big 4 firm.

Thomas Hayes, Senior Accountant
Read Thomas Hayes's Insight

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