05 Oct, 2018

Government Approves Galway City Bypass - What to do if your land is affected

Following the announcement that the government has approved a circular bypass around Galway city, our Tax Team advises farmers with land that may be affected.

Our Tax Team, today reacted to the news that the Government has approved the plan to construct a circular bypass around Galway city.

“Farmers who think their land might be the subject of a compulsory purchase order in the event that the ring road moves to construction should contact their tax and accountancy advisors to get advice on how to ensure the best possible tax treatment of the sums that may be involved.

If you are a farmer on the proposed route or have a farm in the vicinity you should already take financial advice on how to navigate the best route that could help optimise your tax treatment down the road. Leaving complex tax planning to the last minute when a deal is being negotiated is never a good idea and rarely favours the farmer. For farmers it’s never too early to get good advice on financial matters.”
